

1 八分之一的女性会在一生中患上乳腺癌. 但是,如果早期发现,五年存活率几乎是100%. That's why it's so important for women of all ages to be aware of their breast health, 对于40岁及以上的女性来说,每年都应该安排一次乳房x光检查.

我们的乳房和骨骼健康中心 is among a prestigious group of breast centers nationwide named to the National Accreditation Program for 乳房 Centers from the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer, 并被指定为卓越乳腺成像中心.



(317) 745-3404


乳房外科护理 & 高危预防门诊

(317) 718-9000

亨德瑞塑料 & 整形外科手术
化妆品 & 重建外科护理

(317) 718-7980


(317) 745-3740



我们的乳房和骨骼健康中心, 位于我们的丹维尔和布朗斯堡医院, 包括我们的特餐 乳腺随访项目. 我们经验丰富的团队提供连续的乳房健康诊断, 治疗和支持性护理, 包括全套的乳房手术, 医学肿瘤学, 放射肿瘤学和整形重建外科.

If a patient is diagnosed with breast cancer at the 亨德里克斯地区乳腺健康中心, 在医院里接受过培训的乳腺外科肿瘤学家 24小时. Discover our wide range of state-of-the-art services offered to both men and women at the 丹维尔 campus location.




乳房x光检查在乳腺癌筛查中起着至关重要的作用. A mammogram is an x-ray examination used to detect abnormalities in the breast. Mammograms can also detect breast disease in patients who are experiencing pain, 溢液或乳房有肿块.

The American Cancer Society recommends that women ages 40 and older have a routine mammogram screening every year for as long as they are in good health, 并且没有任何乳腺癌的迹象或症状. This may change if you are at higher risk and your physician has talked to you about starting your screenings early. 安排乳房x光检查不需要医生的医嘱.

3 d乳房x光检查

Digital breast tomosynthesis, or 3D mammography, is a FDA-approved tool capable of 比二维乳房x光检查早15个月发现乳腺癌. 3D乳房x光检查提供了更清晰的扫描, 让我们的团队能够发现较小的乳腺癌, 精确定位肿瘤大小和位置, 减少后续测试.

Our physicians feel all patients can benefit from having a 3D mammogram and should take advantage of the advanced capabilities. 病人 who have a family history of breast cancer or who have dense breast tissue are excellent candidates for this 3D imaging option.



Find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about mammography services at 太阳城集团官网导航中心.


Learn more about 3D mammography and the reasons to get screened by reading the following PDF.



在亨德里克斯地区医疗中心, 我们提供最新最先进的3D乳房x光检查太阳城集团官网导航, 还有乳房成像太阳城集团官网导航, 包括数字乳房x光检查, 乳房核磁共振成像, 和超声波. 3D mammography is covered under several Medicare plans, as well as some insurance companies. 如果你的保险公司不包括3D乳房x光检查, 你可能需要支付大约60美元的额外费用. Grants awarded by the Indiana 乳房 Cancer Awareness Trust (IBCAT) help make it possible for us to provide free mammograms and diagnostic services to those who qualify for financial assistance, 以及在诊断后为患者提供专业支持.

A standard screening mammogram takes only about 15 minutes, with results mailed the next day. A diagnostic mammogram takes about 30分钟utes, with results available before the patient goes home. If additional follow-up such as a biopsy is needed, it may be scheduled the same day. During every mammogram, our staff will determine if a patient at higher risk should move into our 特殊乳腺随访项目. 即使你做了正常的乳房x光检查, your risk factors may make you a good candidate for the high-risk breast program.

在亨德里克斯地区医疗中心 we want to provide as much information as possible for our patients to make an educational decision about this vital preventive screening. 如有任何问题,请太阳城集团官网导航,并访问我们的 常见问题 进一步阅读页面.

高风险评估 & 监测

Those who have a personal and/or family history of cancer could be a candidate for genetic risk evaluation and high risk surveillance at the 太阳城集团官网导航中心 高危预防门诊. The genetic risk evaluation is a blood test that screens for over 20 genes across 8 important cancer types. 尤其是对女性来说, BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations pose an increased risk for breast and ovarian cancer.

Hereditary cancer screening and genetic testing is an important step in identifying future risk and developing the best medical management prevention plan. 




乳房 ultrasounds can be used to evaluate symptoms like pain or swelling, 区分实体瘤和充满液体的囊肿, 并检查乳房x光检查发现的肿瘤或肿块. This technique uses sound waves to create images of all areas of the breast; no radiation is used. 乳房 ultrasounds do not take the place of routine mammograms or breast exams, 因为他们并不总能发现乳腺癌的早期迹象.


A stereotactic biopsy utilizes computer-aided detection to help pinpoint suspicious areas, 比如钙化或其他乳房变形, 协助放射科医生进行诊断. Stereotactic biopsies employ digital technology to guide physicians to the breast lesion. 乳房 MRI technology processes breast images at a much higher resolution. 适用于新诊断的患者, breast MRI gives physicians the best opportunity to find additional cancerous lesions or cancer in the second breast early.





每个女人都有自己的故事. 从乳腺癌诊断到重建手术, discover how 太阳城集团官网导航中心 helped these incredible women write their next chapter.

满足博士. 打保龄球

满足博士. 莫奈保龄球

莫奈保龄球, MD, is a board-certified breast surgeon at 太阳城集团官网导航中心. Learn her one-of-a-kind approach to helping her patients stay healthy, happy and breast cancer free.


满足博士. 斯科特

满足博士. 雷切尔•斯科特

医学博士雷切尔·斯科特是一名整形和重建外科医生. 了解她如何为她的病人提供专家护理, 包括那些患有乳腺癌的人, 并帮助他们成为最自信的自己.

满足博士. Mattingly

满足博士. 安妮Mattingly

安妮Mattingly, MD, is a breast surgical oncologist who believes in patient-centered care. Here’s how she relates to her patients and walks them through their breast cancer journey.



Our 生存计划 gives individuals who have battled breast cancer access to support and educational programs to help survivors and their loved ones live their best life after cancer.