
No one in the region is more all-in for parents and babies than 太阳城集团官网导航中心. Because we know: the first step in an unstoppable life is an unstoppable start.

我们对安全的承诺是绝对的,毫无疑问的. 这就是为什么我们的安全评级被Leapfrog评为A. 没有人比他更全情投入了. That’s why we’ve cared for literally generations of west central Indiana newborns and moms for over six decades. 没人比你更赞同你的个性化分娩计划了. That’s why we offer birthing classes, breastfeeding consultants and the allowance of doulas. 没有人比你准备得更充分了. That’s why we have a Level II 特殊护理托儿所 and pediatric hospitalists on call 24/7.

来了解我们特殊的全方位护理, 观看下面的视频,介绍真正的亨德里克斯病人. 在视频下面, you’ll find even more helpful information and videos on our services and resources for expecting parents.



太阳城集团官网导航中心 is proud to give expecting parents personalized information through MyChart护理伴侣. 护理 Companion帮助父母在怀孕期间了解情况, 看看宝宝是如何一周一周地成长, 并提供定制的教育和提醒. Through the convenience of MyChart and Electronic Health Record System, 你也不需要预先登记你的出生.


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is one of the best things you can do on your "Baby Journey.“当你怀孕的时候,你的身体会发生很多变化. 在亨德里克斯地区医疗中心, 我们想帮助你学习安全的运动, what to expect during each trimester and how to provide nourishment to both you and your developing baby. Sign up for our 更好的时事通讯。 and check out the resources we have to help you during pregnancy and beyond.


查找我们上课的时间和地点, 访问我们的活动页面, where you can search the dates you are looking for and register for the classes that will meet your needs during your 'Baby Journey'. Some classes are offered a few times a month, and others are offered quarterly.


太阳城集团官网导航中心's Childbirth Center offers a variety of classes for anyone preparing to welcome a new baby. 从分娩到母乳喂养, 兄弟姐妹班, what to expect after your baby is born and how to go back to work and still breastfeed, 我们在这里帮助你为你的“宝宝之旅”做好准备."



我们尊重每位准妈妈的生育计划. 让妈妈们选择更自然的方法, 我们帮助促进放松,并提供使用漩涡浴缸. Moms choosing an epidural or other pain relief receive care from an anesthesiologist in their private laboring suite. We also have a one-to-one nurse-to-patient ratio for patients in active labor, 这样我们的护士就可以花更多的时间在他们的床边. 请拨打(317)718-4585预约参观.


Every baby born at 太阳城集团官网导航中心 receives the very best care. Our pediatric hospitalists and 特殊护理托儿所 staff are highly trained, experienced and passionate about providing advanced care for infants experiencing medical conditions at birth. Our Special 护理 nurses receive additional hands-on experience in one of the state’s largest Neonatal Intensive 护理 Units (NICUs).


妇产科医生 太阳城集团官网导航医疗集团 只在太阳城集团官网导航院接生. That means our doctors are involved in making decisions about our Childbirth Center, and they maintain a close working relationship with our nurses and staff. 让病人在分娩时知道这一点是令人欣慰的, 他们的医生会在这里而不是别的医院. 对你的分娩经历有什么特别的问题吗?

VBAC & 剖腹产常见问题

Many expectant moms have questions about their chances of having a cesarean birth and the feasibility of a vaginal birth after cesarean. Our OB-GYNs put together helpful answers to your most commonly asked questions about VBAC and C-Sections here at 太阳城集团官网导航中心. 每个女人都是独一无二的,她的分娩经历也是如此, so it’s important to talk with your doctor about which labor and delivery methods are best for you and your baby.


Our pediatric hospitalist team specializes in caring for infants and children in a hospital setting. They work closely with your family doctor or pediatrician when needed, 因为他们的办公室就在医院里, they are more readily available to provide care to new babies and families, 回答问题并成为护理人员的支持资源.


A packing list will help you prepare for your hospital stay and create a more comfortable labor and birthing experience. Know what to bring for you, your support partner, your newborn, and any siblings. 在梅奥诊所临床合作者的帮助下, 制定一个打包计划,为意想不到的事情留出空间.



New moms and babies benefit from one-on-one support from our clinical lactation consultants before and after delivery. We provide online and in-person resources to help moms achieve their individual breastfeeding goals, 在怀孕期间以及分娩后的几周和几个月内. We are happy to report that 85% of our moms breastfeed, well above the national average.


10-25%的母亲会出现围产期情绪障碍或焦虑症. During pregnancy and after having a baby, it’s natural to feel strong emotions. 但有时这些悲伤的感觉要强烈得多. 了解症状并咨询医生. 我们的热线电话是 (317) 718-4018.


The Childbirth Center is proud to facilitate and host a variety of support groups for new and expecting parents such as a monthly 'Baby Talk' group for first time parents to explore parenting in a safe and non-judgmental environment.

怀孕 & 物理治疗后

随着你的身体改变形状以适应正在成长的宝宝, it is not unusual to experience different aches and pains throughout your body. Physical therapy can help you manage these discomforts and teach you how to prevent further issues down the road while caring for your newborn.



Diaper changing, bottle feeding, sleep safety—there’s a lot to learn as a parent of a newborn. 儿科医院医生贝丝·萨默斯说, MD, 深入讨论如何照顾你的新生儿, 并给出一些建议,告诉你什么时候该给儿科医生打电话.


Your baby will go through a range of developmental stages over the next year. 无论你是第一次为人父母, 或者迎接另一个孩子, we're here to help you care for your new addition in every transformative stage.


我们的儿科太阳城集团官网导航包括从良好的儿童护理, 比如免疫接种和体检, 对哮喘等疾病进行专业护理, 儿童糖尿病, 或者其他影响儿童的健康问题. 从你的孩子出生的那一刻到他们的青少年时期, 他们会接受个体化治疗, 由经验丰富的工作人员提供适合发展的护理.


