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All sleep tests, often referred to as sleep studies, require a 医生's order. 睡眠测试通常安排在晚上, 但也可以安排在白天(倒班工人). 在睡眠测试中, small and lightweight sensors and electrodes will be attached to you to monitor your brain wave activity, 眼球运动, 肢体活动, 心率, 呼吸模式, 打鼾, 以及你睡觉时通过电脑或录像设备的身体运动. 目标是获得6.5到7个小时的睡眠.


当你来做睡眠测试时, bring personal toiletries and loose comfortable clothes to sleep in (pajamas, 运动短裤, t恤或睡衣). 酒店提供枕头,不过你可以自己带. Bring a snack, if required (we stock crackers, peanut butter, and juice). 你的房间有私人浴室. 如有必要,可以淋浴. You will receive a packet in the mail with instructions and a detailed 问卷调查. 请填好并带来 问卷调查.

When coming for a 多次睡眠潜伏期测试(MSLT) or 清醒维持试验(参与者), bring something to do between napping periods; such as a book, DVD播放机, 笔记本电脑一台(医院提供免费无线上网太阳城集团官网导航). Your room will consist of a bed, a recliner, a private bathroom and a television. 穿休闲、宽松的日装.


  • 到达我们的 丹维尔校区 7点45分.m. 使用西面入口. 睡眠障碍中心在四楼. 这是我们丹维尔校区的地图.
  • 在你的私人房间安顿下来之后, a technologist will prep you for your sleep test and explain more about the process.
  • 一般来说,你的睡眠测试将在早上6点左右结束.m. 除非你需要早点起床.
  • 你的医生通常会在7个工作日内收到结果.
  • 我们要求病人关掉手机. 在紧急情况下,家人可以通过电话联系到你 (317) 745-8653.


Click on the type of test your 医生 has ordered to view more information.


A 分段睡眠研究 is the most common type of sleep study and can potentially be "split" into two parts. 在测试的前半段,我们会记录你的睡眠情况, 特别关注阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA). 如果你有阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停并且严重到需要治疗, during the second half of the test we will treat you with Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) 的rapy. PAP therapy is placing a small mask over your nose which is connected to a PAP device. Continuous airflow pressures are adjusted to keep the airway open and free from obstruction. PAP是阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停最常见的治疗方法.

的 goal of the 分段睡眠研究 is to obtain the diagnosis and therapeutic PAP settings all from one test. 有时一个人可能在考试的前半段睡不好, or sometimes we don't see OSA until later in the test when it's too late to treat with PAP, so occasionally it takes two tests to complete both the diagnosis and treatment portions. But if OSA turns out to be your problem, usually only one test is required. 顶级»


A 巴氏试验 is conducted on individuals already diagnosed with OSA but who still require treatment with PAP. 除了在睡眠研究中使用的传感器和电极, PAP will be used and adjusted with the goal of finding therapeutic pressure settings which treat the OSA and allow for a good night's sleep.

A 巴氏试验 is sometimes conducted on individuals already wearing PAP at home, 但谁不再感到休息. 的 goal in this test is to verify the home settings and to adjust them if necessary. Home pressure settings are most commonly readjusted for weight gain or loss or for several years since the last Sleep Study. You do not need to bring your home machine with you for this type of test. (You can, if you wish, bring your home PAP mask and we will use it during the test. If you are not satisfied with your current mask, or don't want to bring it, we will fit you with one.) 顶级»


A 基线睡眠研究 是为了诊断. Sensors and electrodes are attached to the individual and then several 睡眠时间 are recorded. 这种类型的测试没有治疗部分. 的 information gathered will be used for diagnosis and a treatment plan. 顶级»


MSLT 是一种测定白天嗜睡程度的测试。. MSLT包括五个小睡时段,每两个小时小睡一次. During these nap periods, brainwaves, 肌肉活动, 心脏节律也会被监测. Test results can be used to diagnose certain sleep disorders such as narcolepsy. 顶级»


参与者 is a test to determine your ability to stay alert during the times you would normally be awake. 的 参与者 consists of four trial periods performed at two hour intervals. During these trial periods you will be instructed to stay awake as long as possible while your brainwaves, 肌肉活动, 心脏节律也会被监测. This test can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments for sleep disorders or to help establish that an individual can stay alert and awake for a specific job (such as an air traffic controller). 顶级»


A 家庭睡眠测试 is a small device (about the size of a cell phone) that can be worn by the individual while they sleep at home. 的se tests are not for everyone as they record significantly less information that traditional sleep studies. 它们只能用于诊断疑似中重度OSA. 在HST期间, the device will be picked up the day of the scheduled test and then dropped off the following morning. 顶级»


活动检测仪 is a wrist watch sized device worn on the wrist to assess motion. 它与睡眠日记相结合. Together they provide much data allowing your sleep specialist to estimate sleep onset, 睡眠时间, 睡眠质量, 效率与模式. 这些数据随后被用来识别许多睡眠问题, 包括失眠, 昼夜节律紊乱, 零碎的睡眠和糟糕的睡眠卫生. 的 small device records movement and light along with allowing patient input on when they went to bed and got up. Because we are usually not aware of how much we actually sleep, this provides valuable information.

的 small device is worn at all times, including during shower and bath. 当睡觉和起床时,按下设备上的按钮. A Sleep Diary on a one page form that allows information to be easily recorded is provided to evaluate sleep related activities including when you went to bed, 你觉得你睡了几个小时, timing of caffeine or alcohol consumption and when you took you medicines or exercised. 顶级»


如果你有 睡眠问题的症状,与你的朋友交谈。 医生 或打电话 (317) 745-3680 太阳城集团官网导航信息或预约睡眠专家.

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